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Showing posts from May, 2020

Gardening in the Internet Age

The Problem with Gardening Recently I was thinking about how the internet changed the way we find information and how it dramatically reduces the time it takes to learn almost anything. However, when it comes to gardening I'm often surprised at how difficult it is to find answers to my questions. For example if I was trying to find out something simple like what to plant in a shady part of my yard I might search something like 'shade shrubs calgary'. Now if I'm looking for information in other domains I'll typically see a wikipedia article near the top and I'll get fact-based and unbiased information. When I search gardening topics however I get company websites who are trying to sell me stuff, a page from the City of Calgary trying to encourage me to pick plants that don't need a lot of watering, a pinterest page that actually links back to one of those company pages and finally an article in the local paper. Obviously the Calgary Herald articl