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Showing posts from April, 2019

Alberta: Back to the Future

The Day After Now that the 2019 Alberta Election is complete I thought I'd take this chance to analyze the results and put them in a historical context. Against that historical backdrop, the result yesterday is exactly what you'd expect given the landscape today and probably gives us some idea of what's going to happen going forward. So to do that let's start 33 years ago in 1986. 1986 In the 1986 election there were 4 effective parties in Alberta: The PCs , NDP , Liberals and a right wing party called Representative . Representative wasn't able to capture much support though and the PCs won 51% of the vote, the NDP won 29%, and the Liberals managed 12%. This is a pretty typical election for Alberta. 1989 After the dismal showing in 1986 for the Representative party it effectively folded leaving the entire right side of the spectrum for the PC party. That said, Don Getty wasn't a particularly effective party leader (he would even lose his own seat