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Showing posts from November, 2016

Trump and Trade

The Election As yesterday’s election result was a bit of a surprise to me (and a lot of other people it seems ) I wanted to dig in to the results a little to try and explain exactly what we’re seeing. As I looked at the ElectoralCollege map what stood out to me was how Trump managed to flip states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and maybe Michigan from Democrat to Republican. With the exception of Ohio, George W. Bush didn’t win any of those states in 2000 or 2004 and they were all supposed to be a part of Hillary Clinton’sfirewall . So what changed and what does it have to do with trade? Trade As someone who has taken a lot of economics courses I’m a big proponent of trade. That said, I understand why people are often skeptical of its benefits. For better or worse, trade is almost always a net benefit to a country but the benefits are not shared evenly throughout the economy and it is usually really easy to see the places that were negatively impacted. To illustrate I’v